St. Paul Lutheran Church and School
1530 South Main Street
Lake Mills, WI 53551
Church: (920) 648-2235
School: (920) 648-2918
St. Paul Lutheran Church and School
1530 South Main Street
Lake Mills, WI 53551
Church: (920) 648-2235
School: (920) 648-2918
Click the buttons below or go to the App store on your phone and search for “St. Paul Lake Mills.” You may need to swipe a fingerprint or enter your app store password to authorize the app installation.
Log in
St. Paul members can access all the features, including Groups and Check-In, by connecting your app to your profile in our church database by logging in. Tap on the profile icon in the upper right of the screen and follow the directions to log in. You need to have a profile in our St. Paul CCB (Church Community Builder) with a mobile phone number listed, since that’s what the app uses to verify who you are. If you have any issues, reach out to the church office for help.
Use this form to share your contact info with us when you join St. Paul.
Use this form to help us match your gifts and talents with the ministry here at St. Paul.
If you or your child are being baptized, please fill out this form.
If you or your child are being confirmed, please fill out this form.
If you are being married at our church, please fill out this form.
If you would like to reserve Altar Flowers for a specific weekend or service.